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Everything You Need to Know to be Ready for Your New Pup

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First off, congratulations! Getting a puppy is one of the best things that could happen in your life. It will fill you with joy and be your best furry friend. I recently got a pup so I think I'm somewhat qualified to prepare for what is to come.

First, and most importantly, be excited. Don't think of your new pup as a hinderance, think of it as a delight. Although you might have some tough times, and you might yell at your pup for peeing in the house, you will love it unconditionally and you will be it's best friend. 

Secondly, you don't have to over prepare. A little bit of preparation is good but you don't want to get anxiety and overthink everything. Watch a couple of YouTube videos and talk to other people you know who got dogs. Even if you prepare so much, you still won't be able to know everything. Your dog will be a little bit unpredictable at first which is okay. You need about your dog and your dog will learn about you.

Thirdly, be mindful about what you buy. It's really important to not go to a pet shop and buy every single thing that looks fun. Odds are the pup itself and vet bills will be expensive enough so don't buy too many excessive things. If you do end up buying a lot of things for your pup, odds are they might not use all of them so it would end up being a waste. It's good to have a few different toys: a hard toy, a soft toys, a loud toy, and any other toy they like. Besides toys, you don't need multiple items. Below I have a list of things that you need when you get your first puppy. 

Lastly, prepare your house. I highly recommend "puppy proofing" to make sure they don't chew up anything they aren't supposed to. When puppy proofing a house, it's good to make sure that there are no cables for you dog to chew on, if there are rooms you don't want your pup to go they are blocked off, pick up small things off the floor, place cleaning supplies and medication where your pup can't get to them, and make sure they don't have access to the trash. 

I think if you know all of this information, your ready for your pup. Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. Your on the journey of your life time. 


The Puppy Essentials:


Water bowl 

Food bowl




Poop Bags 



Collar Attachment 




Nail Clippers



Doggie Shampoo


Puppy Pads


Preparation Resources:

Zak George's Dog Training Revolution - YouTube Channel


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